
Matt Campbell

Where can I put my L plates or P plates?

Matt Campbell

 Where can I put my L plates or P plates?

If you do not exhibit your L or P plates correctly you could face a fine and demerit points, and the latter are even more precious when you’re a learner or provisional driver. 

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to take my seatbelt off to take off a jacket or jumper?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to take my seatbelt off to take off a jacket or jumper?

Sometimes you just need to unclip your belt like, when you’re wearing a jumper. So is it illegal to undo your seatbelt while you’re driving?

Matt Campbell

How long do demerit points last in each state in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 How long do demerit points last in each state in Australia?

How long do you have to wait to get the points back on your licence? Depends where you are and even what you have done to get the points.

Matt Campbell

How much could I be fined for tailgating?

Matt Campbell

 How much could I be fined for tailgating?

Not only is tailgating dangerous because it limits your stopping potential and increases the risk of an accident, it’s also an illegal with big penalties to pay.

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to speed up when being overtaken?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to speed up when being overtaken?

It's very annoying, but is it illegal to speed up when someone tries to go past you?

Matt Campbell

Can I throw apple cores and banana peels out of the car window?

Matt Campbell

 Can I throw apple cores and banana peels out of the car window?

Laws across Australia are strict when it comes to littering, with the charge being lead in most jurisdictions by environmental authorities. 

Matt Campbell

Can you be booked for running a yellow light?

Matt Campbell

 Can you be booked for running a yellow light?

Did you know that in most situations, the penalties are almost identical between running a yellow light and being caught for running a red?

Matt Campbell

How far can I drive if the police are trying to pull me over?

Matt Campbell

 How far can I drive if the police are trying to pull me over?

Stopping where it's safe is always the key priority, but delaying it too long may also get you in trouble.

Matt Campbell

Is it legal to flash your lights in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Is it legal to flash your lights in Australia?

Warning other motorists of a police speed trap ahead may get you in trouble depending on where you live in Australia

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to beep your horn in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to beep your horn in Australia?

Beeping your horn inappropriately can see you fined in almost every state and territory in Australia, ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands.

Matt Campbell

What age group causes the most car accidents?

Matt Campbell

 What age group causes the most car accidents?

While there are a lot of instances where no driver believes they are at fault, the data shows that it's not necessarily the learner drivers or P-Platers mostly at fault.

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to hang things from the rearview mirror in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to hang things from the rearview mirror in Australia?

Those fuzzy dice could get you in trouble if they obscure your view – so make sure you can see out the front of your car.

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