A sewage pipe has burst in an undercover carpark, and an unlucky Audi RSQ8 has been the recipient of the ensuing deluge.

In the video posted on Instagram, the Audi RSQ8’s rear glass is completely shattered. It’s unclear whether it gave way as a result of the force of the water from the pipe.

At the time of recording, the contents of the pipe had almost filled the large SUV to the brim and the floor of the car park is covered with water.

It’s unclear who the car belongs to and when the pipe stopped flowing as the video stops fairly quickly.

Based on the number plate it appears the car is based somewhere in Europe.

Locally a new Audi RSQ8 is $220,600 before on-road costs. We sure hope this owner was insured.

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Jade Credentino

Jade Credentino is an automotive journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Jade has had a chance to review a variety of vehicles and particularly enjoys SUVs. She enjoys traveling and going on road trips exploring Australia.

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